Saturday, August 9, 2008

life lessons from bay area freeways

:: there are times when you find yourself in a place where there is no traffic, no hurry, and no stress. if you’re not in a hurry, slow down and enjoy the ride.

:: there are times when you find yourself in very stressful situation. there are obstacles around, distractions, and you may or may not be lost. in those situations, focus. keep your eyes on the road. be a defensive driver and watch out. be on the look out for your next move, and be on the look out for an accident to happen.

:: sometimes we get bad directions- or we try a short cut that doesn’t work. if you get lost, you can call a friend who has traveled that road before. they can help you find your way home.

:: there are crazies out there. some of them drive so fast and crazy, that they won’t last much longer. some are filled with rage, and it is making a dangerous environment for everyone else. get out of their way, let them pass; steer clear of them, or you may join them in their next accident.

:: there are decisions to make on the road. some of them are meaningless, like, what lane to drive in, or how fast to go. some decision will affect you for a long time to come, like which direction to take on the next freeway. so have your headlights on, and your directions handy. they’ll help you make better decisions, and keep you from getting lost (ps. 119).

:: its important to communicate to the others on the road. warn them of the moves that you plan to make, so that they can help you and avoid conflict.

:: if you drive on the road long enough, you will encounter a crisis. make sure that you have someone that you can call; and make sure you’re ready for that next crisis to hit. be prepared.

:: you will also see others having a crisis on the road too. some have the help that they need, some don’t. but if you can help, you should. sure it will slow you down, and there is nothing in it for you. who said that there needs to be a payoff for helping someone in need?

:: if you disobey the rules, you don’t get to drive. even worse, your disobedience could permanently damage someone else.

:: sometimes obstacles come out of nowhere. stay calm, slow down, and stay alert. this way you can see them coming, or at least handle them quickly.

:: while you are driving, there are all sorts of things that want your attention: billboards, advertisers on the radio, your cell phone or blackberry. none of those things are as important as getting to your destination. those things could actually keep you from getting from here to there. stay focused on what is important- the details and the distractions can usually wait. after all, why did they invent voicemail if its not something that callers can use?

:: some good music and some good company always makes for a better trip.

:: leave early so that you can go slower and enjoy the ride. don’t get so bothered by the other drivers that it affects the passengers riding with you. you have a responsibility to get them where they are going safely.

:: sometimes we're driving and we don't know which way to go. the signs are trying to help us find our way, but they just make everything more confusing. its ok to pull over and ask for directions. it will feel like slowing down, but you'll really be speeding up. if you're lost and you keep on driving, you just get more and more off course.

:: its all about the journey, not the destination.

can you think of some more? shoot me a comment!