Saturday, August 10, 2013

2 weeks off-

today is my first day back in the office after 2 weeks off- I had a great time with Deanna and jane- here are some of the highlights-

// I made an attempt to get all of the popcorn off of my ceiling. attempt. I only got one room done before I figured that it was going to take a lot more equipment and money. so I settled with the one room with hopes of getting the others done soon.

// I spent a lot of time at the gym, but I wasn't running. a few weeks ago, I pulled something in my hip/ thigh/ rear-end area. I haven't been able to even walk fast, let alone run. so I've been on the bike and jogging very slowly for very short amounts of time and spending a lot of time with the ice pack. I was running a few half marathons a week for a few weeks there, and I think my body was rebelling against all of the grief I was giving it. I'll be better soon.

// we went to the movies a bunch. we saw the smurfs, turbo, planes, despicable me, and monsters university. the theater is just down the street from us, and its a fun way to spend some time with jane.

// I introduced jane to the flea market! she loves it! we found a ton of cool treasures and hard to find toys that would be $20 or $30 in the store for only a dollar. we found this little gem at savers for $2:

we also had some fun consigning some stuff that we don't use anymore- we got to sell some old books and toys for a few extra bucks- we're recycling!
// I
read 2 books, one was a really cool church history book that I will post about later, and one was a FICTION book. I have read maybe 5 fiction books in the last ten years- so this was fun. it was about star wars and the period of time between episode 3 and 4.  I had to run over to santa cruz, and I had some spare time, so I took a lawn chair and read my book on the beach! so relaxing.

// we went to Monterey, to the aquarium, and to san Francisco to fisherman's warf- we had dessert at ghirradeli both times! we got to ride the BART and the cable car with jane for the first time-

// I love catching up with old friends, and I got to have a few long conversations with some dear old pals- a few on the phone, a few in person- always refreshing.
// I ate a lot of ice cream, and a lot of sandwiches from Erik's deli. abbott's habit is a good sandwich.
today I'm back in the office- I love my job. I love the people I work with, I love the work I do, I love my quiet little office. have a great saturday- and:
God is love.