Monday, December 9, 2013

homemade toys:: lalaloopsy land

my kid is in love with lalaloopsy toys- she also loves to create playsets and worlds for her dolls to play in. she has created lots of amazing little playsets for her loopsies- but this time, the whole family teamed up to create the ultimate laloopsy land.

the lalaloopsies live in this world of fabric and buttons stitched together- here is how they show the world on their merchandise:

we wanted to create something similar- jane has a large folding table that she uses for her play tables- so we measured it out and went to the fabric store. jane designed how she wanted the lay out to go.

 she put in hills, a path and a stream. then deanna got to work on her sewing machine and put it all together. afterward, jane decorated it with accessories.

she has been happily playing with it for days! and the nice thing about it is that when she is done playing with it, she just needs to roll it up and store it for another day.
being a dad is fun.


Danana Banana said...

Another awesome daddy-daughter project!