Thursday, September 26, 2024

adventures in candidating part 3


Unfortunately I have some more stories about candidating. I think I do a good job at interviewing, but I really hate it.

The Monterey Story:

A big church in the Monterey area called. When I walked up to the door it said "Office Hours Monday - Friday 9-5." This was weird to me. Most churches are closed on Friday. In the interview I asked the pastor, "what are your work rhythms during the week? He said, "Everyone here works Monday through Friday, 9-5. Then we do Saturday night service and work from 4-9pm and on Sunday we work from 7-1." that means that they work 7 days a week, and 50 hours. (and really for relatively lo pay).

After we met, he had me meet with another worker at the church. The worker said, "just between us, what do you think?" I said, "I think that you're working 7 days a week and that you're on the way to burn out." The worker didn't disagree. Or keep it between us. I wasn't called back.

In my interview, the pastor asked me, "do you agree that all healthy things grow?" I had heard this line of thinking before. It says basically healthy things grow. If your ministry isn't bigger this week than it was last week then its not growing, and therefore its not healthy. The reason its not healthy is the leader.

I was trying so hard to bite my tongue, but I just couldn't. I said, "cancer grows. is cancer healthy?" he said, "no, but you can agree with what I'm saying right?" I said "when the conditions are right, things can grow in a very healthy way. Its not a plants fault that its not growing, but the gardener's." again, I wasn't called back.

The Willow Glen Story:

I was looking for a role, and a friend of mine had a posting at his church. I applied for the role and texted my friend that I had applied. He said, "I'll have to call you before we consider you for this role." So he called and I told him why I left my last church and he said, "wow- so sorry to hear that. yeah, we are really looking for a part time entry level person. You would be too qualified. I really just wanted to hear what happened at your last church." Thanks.

The Peninsula story:

I interviewed at a big multi site church. I talked with the campus pastor, and he had green lights. I talked with the family pastor and he had green lights. Then they had me interview with an admin. After that, the headhunter called and said that they were not moving forward because the admin felt that I had no passion for the role. I asked why they said that. The headhunter said it was because the admin asked, "do you have any questions for me?" and I said no. I said, "did they ask my references if I had no passion for my work?" again they said no.

As I write this, I think of the hurt and frustration that I find when I look for a job. I think of the rejection that I deal with. But I'm reminded of the many, many friends who checked in on me every day during my job hunt. I think of my friends and family who listened to me vent and who kept on encouraging me that I would find something good and soon. And they were right.

I think about the good times that I had spending extra time in prayer, on trails on in the car with my daughter and wife. and it was all so stressful in the moment, but it was good. During this season, my theme verses came from Lamentations 3 that said,

"I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord."

God is love.