Monday, September 17, 2007

oh nook!

after dinner tonight,
janie wanted to watch a movie,
so i laid down on the sofa
while she watched the wiggles.
i must have been tired from work,
because i dozed off.
i was sort of half asleep- half awake.

but i woke up quickly when my girl
ran into my chest full speed
saying, “awake!”
i said “hey! who woke me up?!”
she said “asleep!”
(translation: pretend you’re asleep dad!)

so i closed my eyes-
and whack!
she ran into me again
“hey! who woke me up?!”
this happened about 20 times in a row-
“hey! who woke me up?!”

finally, she laid her head on my chest
and said
“oh nook- he’s bree-ving…”
(translation: “oh look, he’s breathing.”)
(we're still working on a few sounds)
i thought to myself-
“what a tender moment”
“she’s resting on my chest
and feeling my lungs breathe”

she said it a few times-
“oh nook- he’s bree-ving…”

and then it hit me!
that’s a line from the little mermaid!
when ariel sees eric sleeping on the beach!

this wasn’t a tender moment!
this was janie impersonating ariel,


cute kid.
i don't mind acting out disney scenes
to get hugs from jane!


Unknown said...

I'm sorry it wasn't the touching moment you thought it was, but hey, maybe you guys have an actress on your hands?