Monday, October 24, 2011

middle school seniors

yesterday I got to visit the seniors class and seek their help at an event for the middle school ministry- and I couldn't help but feel confirmation about a theory that I have had for a long time: the seniors class has a whole lot in common with my class of middle schoolers.

I have passed by this class on dozens of occassions and have seen this class playing games, telling jokes, and laughing out loud- just like the middle school class! they often like to take the church bus to camp or to some fun event- just like my middle schoolers-

yesterday I was in there and the man leading the group stood on the stage with his microphone trying to get everyone seated, but they were too busy chatting with each other at "the goodie table" and catching up- "wow" I thought, "where have I seen THIS behavior before?!"

here are some other similarities that I have noticed between the seniors class and the middle schoolers:

  • both groups feel a little left out by the rest of the world.
  • both groups are misunderstood and often misjudged. people tend to either love or hate both groups- which is sad because both groups are so loveable-
  • neither group is particularly cool, and they are kind of ok with that
  • in both groups, you've got to watch out for the drama-queens and the flirts-
  • both groups have a facination with facebook
  • both sets of people really love coffee and candy.
  • both groups have much to give to those who are younger than them- and when they get connected to those who are younger than them- things really start to happen.
  • both groups of people tend to be a little clumsy- and if you're going on the road with either group, make sure you bring a medical kit stocked with band-aids.
  • both groups enjoy getting a little silly every now and then-
  • both groups love a good game, a good joke, a good story, and a good laugh
  • both groups seem to handle difficult times with stride and grace
  • both groups have a choice to make about their attitude- and both groups can be sour or delightful depending on their attitude
  • both groups have a bright sparkle and brighten my sparkle when I'm with them
  • and when God gets a hold of middle schoolers, and when God gets a hold of seniors, watch out- big things are about to happen
  • I love both groups- they are a delight.
God is love.