Monday, October 22, 2018

9 things that are bugging me right now: 10/22

1. the invisible folds in wet wipes.
if you know me, you know that I like things clean. I use a lot of wipes. sometimes its close to impossible to get one out of the box because you can get a grip on the folded part. you can see the folded part- you wonder if it even is there. things like this make me crazy.

2. the phrases "love on," and "love well."
both of these phrases make me want to gag. I hear people say, "let's love on our guests today." or "my friends really love me well." ew to both.

3. the oblivious mom.
there are times when I'm at a store or a restaurant and a child is screaming, or breaking something, or endangering themselves, but the mom is so wrapped up in reading her phone, or her menu, or the back of a soup can that she is completely oblivious. pay attention mom!

4. parking lot speeders.
sometimes I'm pulling my car out of a parking spot, and someone zooms past me and honks their horn as if to say, "watch where you're going! don't pull your car out of that spot! I'm driving fast and I don't want to slow down!" and it practically gives me a heart attack. its a parking lot, not a racetrack kids!

5. dog people on the trail.
when I walk on the trail, I just want to walk quietly. but there is usually a dog-walker talking loudly on their phone. so I let them pass me. but then they stop for their dog to pee- and then I pass them- but then they catch up. and they never end up going away. 

or sometimes I see dog-walkers go up to other dog walkers- but they don't talk to the other dog-walker, they talk to their dog and say, "oh look spot! a dog! do you want to smell him?! do you want to play with him?! look! he has a tail just like you! do you want to be best friends with him?!" I can't even.

6. baseball uniforms.
I love baseball, but aren't the uniforms a little formal? I don't dress that formal for church! these guys are attempting to make spectacular athletic plays wearing a button down shirt that is tucked-in to long pants with a belt. they are wearing and under-shirt, long socks and they are running the bases with a helmet that has no strap on it. I think these guys should update the uniform to make it a little more user friendly.

7. aggressive honkers.
if the light turns green, and the car in front of you doesn't notice right away, you can alert them with a little "bee-beep" from your horn; a loud, long "HOOOOONK!" seems a little much.

8. paper fans.
it doesn't matter the temperature. when you're in a meeting where people are sitting down in chairs, some lady is going to pull out a paper and start fanning herself. what bugs me about this is that it is communicating to everyone the following messages: "I'm hot. the air is not on. the people running this place didn't turn the air on. I'm not listening to the person talking because I'm so hot." and then everyone else starts thinking the same thing, and starts feeling tempted to stop listening and fan themselves. come on people- its not that hot. 

9. brake tappers.
sometimes I'm driving and the person in front of me taps their brakes. for no reason. there is no one in front of them. they are not speeding. I'm not following too close. but then I have to tap my brakes too. just let off of the gas and your car will slow down. 

am I turning into a grumpy old man?