Thursday, May 26, 2011

jane's graduation from kindergarten:

I am super proud of both jane and deanna for completing their first year of home school. jane did a great job on all of her schoolwork, and deanna did an amazing job as her teacher. last night we went to a little ceremony for the local homeschoolers where they were able to get a certificate and show off their work. jane read her book, "amanda pig goes on a hike." after watching her do this, I think my face was literally glowing with pride. I was so impressed with my little girl.

jane's graduation story from rob walter on Vimeo.


Danana Banana said...

Yep - that girl is pretty amazing! Although, it feels weird to be the parent of a 1st grader...

Emily said...

That is great! I can't believe how big Jane is- it seems like she was just born... She is a beautiful girl- and so creative!!