Monday, April 25, 2011


over the last few years, the church has grown quite a bit- because of this, I'm not on stage as much as I used to be and not as many people recognize me as one of the pastors; I(by the way- this isn't a complaint- this doesn't bother me at all!)

also- our church has implemented security to make sure that the hallways that have children in them are secure- if I want to go down one of these hallways during church, I need to show my employee badge- which I rarely carry.

last sunday, I was walking with a student up to the middle school roomm where I was met by 2 security guards- I could tell that one of them didn't recognize me. he said, "hi- this area is secure." I said, "oh- I work here- I'm allowed to go through." he said, "do you have a badge?" I started digging through my pockets- (as if it were in there!)

his co-security-guard partner was a lady who knew me from years ago- she said, "what?! don't you know who this is?! this is rob walter! he is a pastor here! don't you know who this is?!" the other security guard apologized and let me through-

all that is to say is that I felt like some kind of celebrity, if just for a moment- and that was kind of fun.

God is love.


~Allyson said...

haha! that's one of my favorite moments on Sunday mornings when the security team treats me like I'm someone important...i love those guys and gal! :)