Monday, November 19, 2007


yesterday I ended my message with this meditation- I thought I’d share it with you-

one time I was working in my office and these guys were doing construction outside.
there was tractors running through the hallways and men banging on stuff with hammers they were doing this all day- every day for like weeks and weeks!
I was getting headaches and getting all stressed out and I couldn’t work in my office-
I was like the Grinch! I was like “noise! noise! noise!”

so one day I went home and said to Deanna- “what if we got a laptop?”
“I could go and do my work at the bookstore or the coffee shop where its quiet.”
“I could write all of my sermons at the house or even in the park- somewhere peaceful!”
she thought that was a good idea so we went down to the computer store.
keep in mind, that at this time, I knew absolutely NOTHING about computers.
so we start looking at the laptops and I pretend like I know what I’m doing.
I look around and say stuff like, “this one has a big screen- I like that...”
“this one is silver- I like the silver… this one has more buttons than the others… that makes it better…”
this salesman comes up to us and says
“can I help you?”
I said “I want to buy a laptop.”
He said “what are you going to do with your laptop?”
I said “I want to use it write my sermons- so I need a laptop that has Microsoft Word on it
“do you have computers that have Microsoft Word?”
He was like- “uhh- yeah”
so then he was like “do you want to make webpages?”
“do you want to do cool graphics stuff?”
“go on the internet?” “umm- no.”
“I just want one that has Microsoft word on it- do you have one that has Microsoft Word? because I’m going to use this laptop to writ sermons.”
the guy said yes; and we bought it that night
when I got home, I checked; and it had Microsoft word on it.
but it had all sorts of other programs too!
it could edit videos and make webpages!
it could edit pictures! and download music! and make playlists out of songs!
it could go on the internet and had all sorts of games-
I said to Deanna- “wow! this thing does lots more than I thought it could!”

and in that moment it was like God whispered to my heart
“I’m like that too Rob”
“there is a lot more to ME than you thought-
I can do lots more than you thought”
“you ask me to bless the food and bless the trip, and give you a good day,
but I can do so much MORE.”
“explore ME like you explore that computer-
see all the amazing things I can do if you would only ASK!”

“now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in christ jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! amen.”
-ephesians 3


Jeff M. said...

That's a really good illustration! Something I've been discovering more and more over the last several months.