Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm a junior higher.

back when I was blogging on myspace, I wrote blogs on how my college students are like junior highers, and how the seniors group at church are like junior highers, but lately, I’ve been noticing just how much I’m like a junior higher-

1. I’m insecure.
I find myself wanting other people’s attention. I find myself trying to impress others or wishing that they will ask me for my opinion, or hoping that they will be impressed with me. and just like a junior higher, I need to remember that God loves me perfectly and accepts me right now. I need to remind myself that the God of the universe gives me His undivided attention whenever I look for Him, and that if I’m alright with Him, I don’t need anyone else’s attention or approval.

2. I’m emotional.
I shed my share of tears. I get too angry over things that aren’t worth it. My day can go from awesome to horrible in an instant. and just like a junior higher, I need to be patient, and slow to anger; I need to bring my heartbreaks to God, and allow Him to heal my heart.

3. I’m changing.
my friends in middle school are going through so much change, and it wreaks havoc on them. I’m not much different. my daughter is moving from baby to kindergartner, and I can stop it. my job is evolving. my parents are getting older; I’M GETTING OLDER. just like a junior higher, change bothers me. it makes me worry about the future. and just like a junior higher, when everything is changing, I need to cling to He who doesn’t change.

I’m like a junior higher;
because sometimes my heart is fragile.
and sometimes I make decisions that I haven’t really thought through.
and sometimes I’m just overwhelmed by all of the pressure and stress that are in front of me.
and just like a junior higher, I’m loved. I am loved by God, my family and friends.
I need a place to share my heart.
and I need friends that will pray for me.
I need people that can lead me and help me make wise decisions.
and sometimes I just need to be reminded that I’m ok and that if I stay close to God and let Him direct my path, I’m going to make it.
sometimes I need to be reminded that tough times don’t last forever, and this too shall pass.

I’m like a junior higher,
because I have potential.
and God has a dream for my life.
and I still think that candy, laughter, and time with my friends are the greatest things in the world.

so yeah, I’m a lot like a junior higher; maybe that’s why God put me with them and them with me. and maybe that’s why I enjoy them so much.


BJR said...

Love it! You'll have to explain the picture sometime.

Adrian said...

I really appreciate your insighfulness! I especially like #3, about change, because I hate change and react badly to it. What you said about "clinging to He who does not change" really makes sense to me, and gave me a new perspective on looking at change in my own life through a filter of Christ. I guess I'm just like a middle schooler too!