Wednesday, November 18, 2009

lectio divina:: john part 2

Like I just said, I just finished the gospel of john. Towards the end is the familiar confrontation between Jesus and Pilate. The Jews bring Jesus to Pilate and want Pilate to crucify Him. The only problem is that Pilate doesn’t want to. He questions Jesus and doesn’t see anything that Jesus has done that is worthy of crucifixion. Pilate passes Jesus off to hero, but eventually it’s just Jesus and Pilate again. What is he supposed to do? He doesn’t want to execute this guy but there is a rabid crowd outside that wants Him dead. Even piate’s wife had a dream the night before and warned him to leave Jesus alone. There is this interesting part at the end of john where Pilate has Jesus flogged and has him handed back to the Jewish leaders. He says, “Take him yourselves and crucify him,” Pilate said. “I find him not guilty.”
The Jewish leaders replied, “By our law he ought to die because he called himself the Son of God.”
When Pilate heard this, he was more frightened than ever. He took Jesus back into the headquarters again and asked him, “Where are you from?” But Jesus gave no answer. “Why don’t you talk to me?” Pilate demanded. “Don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?”
Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it was given to you from above. So the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin.”

So at this point, Pilate is wondering if this guy might really BE the son of God-
But then the Jewish leaders kick their game up a notch. They say: “If you release this man, you are no ‘friend of Caesar.’ Anyone who declares himself a king is a rebel against Caesar.”
So in a sense, they say, “if you let Jesus go, this will get back to your boss and you will be fired.”
What do you do?

We all know the story- Pilate released Barabbas and had Jesus crucified.
I always feel sorry for Pilate. He seems to be put in a no-win situation.
As I was thinking about this today, it dawned on me that I feel sorry for him because I often feel the same way as a youth pastor.

There are things that God wants me to do- but they aren’t popular.
God wants students to connect in groups, to study the Bible, to say no to sin, to be held accountable, to pray and to serve the poor. those things don't pack the house out like games and pizza.
I want to do those things because I know that those things are right, but there is this sense in me that there is this rabid crowd out there that doesn’t want what’s right. They just want games and candy and free time. They just want to flirt or break things and end the serious stuff as early as possible. And there is this sense that if I don’t keep this rabid crowd happy that it will get back to my bosses and I’ll be fired.

and its not just with students- with anyone- there are moments where you think to yourself, "I should say something" or "I should do something." but you don't for fear that this person will not like you ro respect you or stop being your friend; so instead of doing what's right, we just cave in, to keep everyone happy.

Now- none of those things are reality, its all just in my head. Just like Pilate, I need to do what I know is right, whether it’s popular or not.
We all do.

God is love.