Wednesday, November 4, 2009


its been a long time sisnce my last blog. I've been crazy-busy I guess. either that, or just not really inspired by much; either that, or just too distracred to take the time to put inspirational thoughts into the computer.

I still have not eaten fries in 2009! although, I have enjoyed some tater tots, onion rings, and some hashbrowns. but do those even count as fries? I'm on pace to get my 250 workouts before the year is up too.

my car broke AGAIN last night- there goes another $500.

work is a blast- the middle school volunteers are amazing and so are the students. we painted the youth room! it looks awesome- kind of like the cover of this book:

jane reminds me every day that she is less than a month from turning FIVE.
here is another one of her funny stories with some serious sound effects at the end:

funny story from rob walter on Vimeo.

God is love.