Thursday, January 21, 2010


last Christmas, jane got a big set of legos as a gift. these are real legos, not the big duplo blocks that she has been playing with for years, so I wasn’t sure if she was up to playing with the tiny parts; but to my surprise, she loves them. she has been playing with them a lot lately, and so I told her, “we should go to the lego store on daddy-daughter-day and get some more legos.” jane responded by saying, “that’s a GREAT idea dad!” Deanna said, “get her a lego-car. she really likes the cars.” what these ladies don’t understand is that I don’t need a kit to make lego cars! I have spent many hours of my childhood with legos, and all I need is some wheels to make some funky and chunky vehicles.
so we went to the lego store. jane was so happy that she did her patented happy-hop the entire time we were there. we got a little bucket and filled it up with wheels, steering wheels, shifters, and lego-flowers. when we got home, we spilled out all of the legos on the floor, laid on our tummies and created things for a long time. I made cars while jane made a lego garden out of her flowers. we showed each other the things that we made. at one point jane said,
“you know what dad? I like this.”
“I like this too, jane” I said with a smile.
how fun that jane likes the same toys that I did when I was a kid!
being a dad is cool.
God is love.


Danana Banana said...

You are a really amazing dad!