Saturday, February 20, 2010

jungle junction

jane loves this show on this disney channel:

for several weeks, it was all that she talked about, and she tried her best to act it out and turn her toys into "wheelers" from jungle junction.

she got a big box of legos for Christmas, so I did my best to make wheelers for her out of legos. some looked alright, some were kind of a stretch-

but it was a fun thing to do together. we ended up making a few trips to the lego store to get more wheels and eyes for the wheelers.

every time I made one she jumped for joy and put it into action with the others. we even went to affordable treasures and got some palm trees to make a jungle for the wheelers to zoom around in. it was fun because jane was somewhat obsessed with jungle junction, and I became focused on making them, and we were sort of obsessed on the same thing for a while. we just fed each other's obsessions with our enthusiasm.

but sadly, jane's jungle junction phase is over. she has moved on to new things. she got a new playmat and needed cars to drive on it so the wheelers had to be dismantled. deanna suggested that I take a picture of my wheelers before I take them apart. what do you think?

being a dad is fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Those are freaking incredible - Great Job!
- Ross

Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job. My son would love it.
Too bad you can't keep it.

Liltinypnuts said...

Those are awesome my boys would love them! I have been looking for jungle junction toys since my 5 year old was 3! Now my 2 yr old is into them, but sadly I only came up with substituting with stuffed animals. Ok but not great. I showed the pic to my boys and they just love it and want me to buy them :( So creative, I love, love love!!! U should blog about how to create new & different toys out of your existing ones! Lol :) anyway thanks for sharing we love it :)