Friday, May 15, 2009

daddy-daughter-weekend, day 2

whew! what a day. I don’t know how Deanna does it- that and keep the place clean, and the bills paid and the meals made. she’s a super-woman.

I just put jane down for bed on our second night of daddy-daughter weekend. once again, she slowed down story time with a lot of observations about the things she likes to do and play with. today’s pace was a little slower, which was good for jane, but not so much for me. I get restless and feel like we should be doing something or going somewhere, and all she really wanted to do was play. this morning we went to the bookstore and got a new book, we went to the park, and then went to mcdonald’s for a happy meal. she spent time in her room for an hour or so of “quiet rest time,” which is our way of giving her an opportunity to take a nap. she almost never does. after quiet rest time she made a thanksgiving feast for her toys. I whipped up some mac and cheese, and we had a feast of our own. after dinner, jane decided that she wanted a bath. I wasn’t planning on doing bath time, and Deanna was certain that jane wouldn’t ask for a bath, but she did. I got the temperature wrong a few times, but eventually got it just right.

now she’s in her bed, safe and sound. I pulled out the old baby monitor so that I wouldn’t sleep through any emergency she might have in the middle of the night. (not that she ever does, but I feel better having it out.) she’s a good kid and I’m grateful to have her. I’m really grateful. I can’t wait for dw to get home- then I’ll sleep well.

jesus told us to call God father. and if God is a father to me like I’m a father to jane, then I’m sure that I can be frustrating at times, but at the same time I can know that I fill Him with joy, He listens to me when I sleep, and He is not letting me out of His sight.

God is love.