Friday, August 22, 2008

cat discrimination

jane loves her dollhouse.
its got lots of different kinds of dolls who live in it, but the primary ones that she plays with are from a line of toys called “calico critters.” jane has a family of toy rabbits who live in the house. there are also 4 animal-kids: a fox, a cat, and two twin bears.
the dollhouse has evolved and it now has its own park/ theme park that goes along with it. one of the features in this theme park is a teacup ride- which hold 3 animal kids. but jane has four.

when jane plays with this ride, three animal kids climb on board the ride, and they all show their tickets to the ride attendant, who is a grown up rabbit. the rabbit also checks to see if their seatbelts are buckled. again, there is an issue of who doesn’t get to ride-
you would think that the animal kids would rotate in and out, but no.
the cat never gets to ride.
one day i was watching jane play with her toy and i said,
“does the cat get a turn?”
“the cat doesn’t want to ride.” she answered.
“is she afraid?” i asked.
“no- she doesn’t want to ride.”
i started feeling bad for the cat!
“jane! it’s the cat’s turn! the cat wants to ride!”
“the cat can wait. the cat can stand in line.”
“the cat has been standing in line all day! when is it the cat’s turn?!”
“its not her turn yet- still the bear’s turn.” she replies.

jane has another ride sitting in a box,
waiting for her to earn it by using the potty.
this one is a ferris wheel.
i said, “now you’ll have 2 rides! and the cat can ride too!”
jane answered, “nope. still the bear’s turn.”

what is all of this cat-discrimination?!
why can’t the cat ride the rides? !
she has been waiting in line for weeks!

Deanna thinks that she is mad at calvin for scratching her
and she is taking it out on the cat doll.
i really don’t know.
but i’m thinking of giving that cat a turn the next time jane isn’t looking…